• Two nesting boxes with 2 cameras each
  • 2 hedgehog houses with feeding and sleeping room and 2 cameras each
  • Feeding station with 3 cameras, one controllable with 10x zoom
  • Squirrel house with camera
  • 24/7 live with Full-HD stream

Riot in the hedgehog feeding house

In the meantime, more and more hedgehogs are waking up from their hibernation. And so it came as it had to come, because I have only set up one of two feeders so far.
It got crowded in the feeder when 3 hedgehogs gathered at the two feeding bowls at once.
And of course our riot hedgehog, who had to mix up the group. Everything could have been peaceful.
But no. The whole thing ended in chaos and scuffles.
And so I put the second feeding house back into operation that same evening in order to sort things out.


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