• Two nesting boxes with 2 cameras each
  • 2 hedgehog houses with feeding and sleeping room and 2 cameras each
  • Feeding station with 3 cameras, one controllable with 10x zoom
  • Squirrel house with camera
  • 24/7 live with Full-HD stream

Media library

Here in the media library I will publish from time to time some pictures and videos recorded by the cameras or links to other interesting pictures and videos.

Photo gallery

In the photo gallery you will find photos around the theme of this website. These can be photos and snapshots made with the livestream IP cameras, or photos taken with a normal camera or smartphone. 
Special feature: User photo uploads
You have a great photo that fits the theme of the site and want to share this photo with the users of the website? Then simply upload the photo to the gallery!  

YouTube video Gallery

In the YouTube Video Gallery you can find all videos of my YouTube channel Nistkasten Lindweiler

[yotuwp type="channel" id="UC5wLfyVCq-Rg0Jh0U9EOPCA" ]

Articles, videos and pictures from the net

Here are some interesting articles, videos and pictures that I found on the net or that were brought to my attention by visitors of the website. 

You have found an interesting article, a great video or nice pictures on the internet, which I should link here? Then just give me a tip. If you leave your name and your e-mail address, you will get a feedback from me guaranteed. Thanks a lot!

Neues Feature bei

Nistkasten Köln Lindweiler

Auf Wunsch einiger Besucher und weil es eine tolle Idee ist gibt es jetzt die

Foto Galerie 

mit der Möglichkeit von User Foto Uploads. Zu finden ist die Galerie in der Mediathek.

Und nun viel Spaß

beim Entdecken des neuen Webseiten Feature!